VERSE: We Are Mighty

Foreword: This poem is dedicated to my greatest love, my inspiration, my Djehuty. You are love. You are loved.

We are beyond

We are diverse, but worthy

We are stars with planets of life and light

We are motion, flying forward and following no one

We are the wind, quick upsweeps and always landing on feet

We are invincible, immortal spirits roaming for a time then…

Travelling back to where we were conjured from

100,000 years or so, bringing back with us eternal knowledge

Wisdom fresh and renown

With all the answers presented in many lifetimes

Disclaimer: This poem was written in whim, from my heart to this blog, for my lover. Thank you so much for your support. Please comment, criticize, make suggestions or say “hi”.

This is an original work imagined, created and copyrighted in 2019 by Juana M. Gumbs. All rights are reserved by her.